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How to solve parking issues through Housing Society Parking Management App?

11th Oct, 2019
How to solve parking issues through Housing Society Parking Management App?

To allocate sufficient parking spaces have often been a matter of prime concern nowadays for many housing societies as the number of vehicles per family is increasing day by day. There is always a shortage of parking spaces in the society which leads to arguments between the members. The dispute is usually because of the allocation of parking space or the fee structures. There are various issues which arise when it comes to living together in a housing society. One such common issue for the members of housing society is parking space. Recently, many builders and developers charge a huge amount of money say between 2 to 15 lakhs for dedicated parking slot per flat which is actually more than the value of the vehicle itself. You should be aware of this fact that when you are purchasing a new property and plan to negotiate with the builder for the price he is charging for the parking space, then you must know that a builder is not authorized to sell parking spaces as individual real estate units.

Parking space in a housing society is becoming a monstrous crisis. These housing societies are begging for a solution since quite a long time and the right solution to this problem seems to be is a housing society parking management app. These parking management apps can be used on mobiles as well and is helping the parking industry to go digital. Parking management apps is a way to make housing societies more financially productive, less pollution and less wastage of resources. The concept of smart parking using these parking management apps is not just effectively managing parking lots within the society with the help of technology, but also to simplify the transportation and saves a lot of time of the society members. Parking management apps are smart and powerful which provides a real-time view with all the minute details related to parking to their car owners. These applications are beneficial for car owners, their drivers as well as the parking management organizations of the housing society.

Parking management app is an end-to-end solution to digital parking which will offer proper analytics which is useful to reinvent the entire infrastructure of the parking system in the housing societies. This also offers advanced parking solutions to all the members solving all the issues related to parking vehicles. Few of the complaints like car owners have to spend a lot of time finding their parked vehicle in case of huge housing society where there are so many vehicles. After learning all these issues, a solution was introduced by inventing society parking management apps where society members can easily locate, reserve or even navigate the nearest vacant parking space for their vehicle with a lesser amount of time.

For housing societies to manage each and every aspect of the parking segment it is very necessary to have society parking management apps. Also, it is important to educate members and the staff like drivers and watchman as to how these apps work so that if anything goes wrong they can immediately notify the concerned authority.